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Pictures from the event


by: Stephanie Bonds

My Father

Racial injustice and

State violence were

designed to destroy Black and Brown families.

Tragedy circulating inside of a family struck five generations.

Inside of the dust stood my father,

6" 1 , 220lbs, lean body, light complected

spitting image of each other

He is me, or should I say I am him.

Vague memories of the man who raised me,

but Steve reintroduced himself to me.

The first thing he said was "stop crying ,it will be okay".

From there I remembered who my father was.

Strong, independent , and a man of few words, but, perpetually encouraging me inside of an intricate situation, cementing the cracks in my foundation.

His view of my world is" The glass is half full"

even when I feel it is empty.

My father - is connected to me

Spirituality , mentally, and emotionally.

Helping me awake the superhuman strength that lies dormant inside of me.

Inheriting traits of every generation that came before me.

Encompassing the wisdom and knowledge of the ages,

blessed to say despite my struggle my father will forever

stand with me and within me.

Tragedy is transformed inside the love of a father and daughter.

Upholding future generations.

Standing in the moonlight is Steve...

My Father


by: Jeanine Elam

Young Black Love

Denim shirts, black jeans, black skirts

Dark shades tipped low in observance of cocoa brown skin and radiant smile

Her ambiance of femininity and mental stability exudes with each step

 complimenting his masculine style therefore merging them as one

 Young and in love

 Black love

 A rare gem thought to be extinct

 with our elders' teachings & remedies

 for this generation's only concern is hot links

 link cards and sneaky links

 9 to 5’s, none profits 

football and basketball games, cheer meets

 The "what do you give someone who already has everything" speech

 Continuous, raw, uncut 

unadulterated mental, emotional, & physical passion 

passing subtle hints of years outlasting

maturing adolescents and individual goals crashing 

Nobody said life was easy 

but love helps cushion the stay

You are young; you are beautiful 

"You" are black love, our people's new hope in its darkest day.